Friday Fun Club


Friday Fun Club takes place on the first and third Fridays of the month in school term weeks from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm at Wesley Weeke. Please check the calendar!

Friday Fun Club is aimed at primary aged children (5-11, up to the end of year 6).

We do lots of crafts, collaging and painting. Alongside these often messy activities, we also offer lots of sessions of Activ8  which the children really enjoy, engaging in fun games and activities such as our Active Circuits, dodgeball, parachute games and many, many more.

Our Youth Team, working in partnership with our Circuit Youth Worker, offer a termly set of activities based around a biblical / seasonal theme.



Eileen (01962 861527), Brenda (07793 412191 / 01794 389153) (

or Sam (07742 077114) (

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